Vía Argentina is a street in Panama, Republic of Panama. It is located between Vía España and Avenida Manuel Espinosa Batista.
Vía Argentina, Corregimiento de Bella Vista, Distrito de Panamá, Provincia de Panamá.
Find flights to Panama City, Panama (PTY).
Vía Argentina is in walking distance of places in Vía España such as Supermercado El Rey, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), Centro Comercial Plaza Concordia, Banco Nacional, Hotel el Panamá, and Hotel el Panamá Fiesta Casino.
The Caja de Seguro Social (Panama’s Social Security Administration) has an office in Centro Comercial Plaza Concordia. In that office, people can apply for social security benefits and get a social security card for beneficiaries. The telephone number is +507-503-4030. Sometimes it is best to physically visit the office to get information and request benefits.
Women and men walking in Vía Argentina and Vía España. In the video we see cars, taxis, Maharaja Indian Cuisine, Metro Plus, Mini Super Kam Lun, Banco General, Restaurante y Cafetería Del Prado, 391-5000 Delivery, Unido Panamá Coffee Roasters, and Churrería Manolo.
Map showing Vía Argentina, Vía España, El Cangrejo, Bella Vista, La Cresta, Hotel El Panamá, and Surrounding Areas.